KONNECTION: Hop Gives Me Hope

KONNECTION: My kids were counting down the days. Hop was heavily marketed through TV and my kids bought into it. I sighed, another kids movie. In fact, with 3 kids, we see the tween movies, the toddler movies, the Disney/Pixar and everything in between. Most people give my kids gift cards so we NEVER run out of excuses.

So I find myself in a holiday movie and hope the potty jokes stay at a minimum (especially since the trailers show the main character EB pooping out jellybeans…nice!)

I liken the movie to the Santa Clause series- not overly religious, but still gives you a warm fuzzy by the end of the movie. Hop did just that.  I left feeling ready for Easter and Passover ( another blog post, another tangent!). Ready to face family and be excited about dyeing eggs and hiding baskets.

In any konnection, we look to tap into some type of emotion inducing laughter, tears, anger, giggles, and feel -good moments. This one, even through the massive amount of kids movies, stood out. This one had a konnection for me… and then we piled in the car and the bickering started…. back to reality.

Why is this important? Do you think you have said something over and over- I mean how many ways can you say it? Well, the art of content is to introduce familiar concepts, ideas, thoughts and present them in a new way.

I recently was sent this video— and it says it all!